The stars lean down to kiss you, I lie awake to miss you. ♥ |
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XDDTuesday, December 30, 2008 6:13 AMTODAY:Went to school for the prefect meeting.Super boring>.- After school than went home to change to play badminton with Don, Lyn and Mi=) I went home late and met them late, until there are malay playing at the court-.- They say all my fault lor=( Then we waited for Roy at the playground nearby.Some malay also playing soccer there=0 They kick the ball than almost hit Don.Haha=) Than Roy finally arrived and we played badminton at the playground.Soo not fun=( The malays finally went home and we went to the court to play.That's fun=) We play until very late and missed some part of Love Blossoms Nth more to tag le.Byes~~~ |