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Saturday, November 28, 2009 12:21 AMNow doing short quiz tagged by Jing Yee:Do you rather be a singer or a dancer? - Dancer xD 2. Are you in a relationship currently? - Nope. 3. Cried for a boy? - Nope. 4. In love? - Nah. 5. Do you rather be stupid or idiot? - I dunnoee. 5. Have you regretted doing anything? If yes, what? - Even if so, i forgot. 6. If God allow you to decide, would you want a twin sister/brother? Why? - No. 1 is enough. 7. Have you ever drink red wine in your life? - Yeah. 8. Sweet or romantic? - Anything. IDC. 9. Do you like eating fruits? - Only the sweet ones, i guess. Pass this quiz to 10 people. - Zhi Hui - Huan Lin - Naasyidah - Yi Chien - Mun Foong - Jean - Alvina - Jia Jie - Joyi - Hamida 1. What are you related to 1? {Zhi Hui} - Bestie. 2. Who's the sexiest in your list? - Yi Chien? IDK.... 3. Name the people in your list that is older than you. - All younger i think.. 4. Have you ever quarrel with 5? {Mun Foong} - Yeah, a few times,.. and apologised already=D 5. Who is 2 dating with now? {Huan Lin}- No one .. (I think) 6. Who is the smartest among all? - Hamida! 7. Have you ever said "iloveyou" to 8? {Jia Jie} - As a friend, yeahs. 8. Is 3 a very hyper person? {Naasyidah} - Yes. 9. Descibe 6. {Jean} - She's funny and cute. 10. Do you like 7? {Alvina} - Yepps. 11. If 10 steals your boyfriend, what will you do? {Hamida} -I dun have, 12. If 9 lied to you, what will you do? {Joyi} -What can i do? o.o 13. If 4 wanna jump down the building, what will you do? {Yi Chien} - I'll carry her off the building. She so light. Heheh -END- |